KIDS-PARTY.COM at a VENUE Checklist produced

Child's Name  
Do you need to choose a theme or is it a themed venue eg Deep Sea Den.
Check on availability of venue (book early to avoid disappointment).
If you have not been to the venue yourself plan a visit to see it.
Contact venue and arrange date and time.
Have a list of questions ready to ask.
Cost per child, minimum number of children, maximum number of children
What the party includes eg food, what you have to provide, do you have to take anything with you,
how many adults do you need to supervise,
how long will the party last, can you decorate the venue.
Get a contact name at the venue. Confirm all details in writing to the venue.
Confirm with the Birthday child names of guests to invite, (where ever possible find out surnames there’s nothing worse than having 3 Johns in a class and giving the invitation to the one your child dislikes).
Send out invitations. Keep a list of names addresses and telephone numbers of party guests. Put on RSVP to……… tel……… date………..
Are you having an entertainer at the venue eg a magician. Telephone and check on availability for date and time of party.
Have a list of questions ready to ask.
Are they available, how long does their act last, how much do they charge
Do they need you to provide anything eg power points. Confirm all details in writing
Plan your menu, consult the birthday child as to what they would like to eat.
Write down your menu.
If you are catering yourself check out pack sizes at the supermarket and work out how much you need to buy.
Check on selection of Birthday cakes.
Decide how you are going to get the food to the venue, if you are taking 3 children in your car , will there be enough room for food, drink party accessories, prizes, balloons as well, or do you need to enlist help.
If you are getting caterers in to do the food phone up and get quotes, have a list of food that you want or see what they suggest.
Do they deliver
Do they serve the food, do they tidy up after
Do they want a deposit for crockery, glasses etc, how much do they charge.
Decide if you want a sit down or buffet style Birthday tea.
Do you need tablecloths, plates, serviettes, cups
Do you need cutlery for eating or serving food, serving plates or trays,
Candles for the cake, matches, cake knife,
Extra cloths (for mopping up), bin bags (for tidying up),
Streamers balloons,
Prizes for any games or activities, party loot bags, contents for loot bags.
Do you want a special Birthday Cake made or are you going to buy one. If you are having a cake made contact cake makers, they should be able to show you samples or pictures of the cakes they supply, do specify the date you need the cake for, order early as for some cakes the icing will need time to set.
Give them the correct spelling of your child’s name to avoid mistakes.
Are you going to have music at your Kids Party if so do you need CD or cassette player
Consult the Birthday child as to the music to be played
Locate power points and someone designated to “look after” the music.
Plan your activities and games with the Birthday child, write down the list of activities and games.
Will you need any props for the games
Select suitable Prizes for the games
Do you need any extra adult help with games.
Plan to have help at your Kids Party, other Mums, Dads to help etc. You can’t be everywhere.
List out specific tasks you wish each person to do for you eg, Arwen to take coats, Edward to check guests off on the list and issue name badges, Jane to set out food, Shaun to hand out loot bags etc.
Are you going to video the party
Do you have a camcorder, if not can you hire one, check out the local stores for costs, availability, length of hire
Balloons, every Kids Party needs balloons . How many do you need
How long will it take you to blow them up, do you wish to hire a helium gas bottle usually available from balloon suppliers, will they deliver or do you have to collect.
Make sure you have found your camera and have extra film, do you need new batteries.
Kids are always photogenic, opportunities not to be missed. (especially when shown again on their 18th birthday).
Decorations, can you gain access to the venue beforehand to decorate, if so how much time will you be allowed,
Do you need someone to help you, confirm with the venue.
Plan a day to do the Party shopping, take your list with you.
Check the guest list and follow up on non receipts of RSVP’s to get a final count.
Prepare a final list of the menu items,
Finalise the games or activities to be played,
and prizes to be given,
Contents of loot bags
music to be played.
Shop for non food items needed, eg plates serviettes tablecloths etc.
Do the food shopping either go to the supermarket (sounds like hard work) or shop on line and they deliver to your door like Iceland do ,(heaven), they really are wonderful people.
Confirm with venue,
cake makers
People to help
time of arrival,
time of collection
time of delivery etc
Wrap presents, prizes, parcels for any games and activity.
Make up loot bags for each guest.
Write a “to do” list for the Party day
Decide what the Birthday child and you are going to wear at the party, get it ready
Happy Birthday to the Birthday Child.
Open presents and cards.
Prepare food and drink.
Organise your helpers.
Blow up balloons
Make sure you eat something before the party.
Make your way to the venue, give yourself plenty of time.
Set out table and lay out food
Start music.
Welcome guests as they arrive.
Tell the guests what is going to happen eg games followed by birthday tea then the magician.


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