find the Kids-Party services closest to you, click on the map above
Venues we have more party venues than you shake a stick at! adventures
include, deep-sea dens, lazer quests, crafts, sports, just to keep your
home damage and your budget to a minimum. use the map
above to locate venues nearest you...
Entertainers we have Magicians and Wizards, Clowns and Storytellers,
Balloon benders and much more, chances are that you will be laughing more
than the kids........ to find an entertainer near you first select an area
on the Kids-Party map
Trips great ideas for that Birthday Treat, when I was small I used
to quite enjoy a trip out on my Birthday with all my friends, the trouble
with that is that if your child if on excellent terms with the whole class,
neighbourhood and your family this could mean hiring a couple of minibuses
to ferry the whole posse around - do you secretly hope that they say 'I
don't want a big party this year' - dream on... for trips from your
area choose your part of the country on our map
all the local cinemas in your area with direct links to their websites
to book online, start with our map
ideas if you have very small children who have not yet developed
expensive tastes? and are not supercritical as to what constitutes
a 'cool party' then you may wish to 'Do it yourself' ( while you
still can). This is hard work and quite frankly can damage your
property, there is an equation for kids parties which states that
the amount of children multiplied by the average age should roughly
equal to the amount of miles the party is held from your house.
Don't worry Kids-Party to the rescue. More.........
Books we have listed a selection of the best Kids-Party books that
amazon.co.uk supplies - yes I have done the search for you ! for the full
listing click through to Kids-Party books
plus you may not want a full party pack so here are the main suppliers
of Party Goods, buy on-line today map
& Catering Kids-Party caterers galore, don't be a slave in the kitchen,
get the professionals in, for suppliers in your area click on the map
keep them on the move with a Kids-Party Disco, guaranteed to wear them
out, to find Kids Disco suppliers in your area click on the map
hope you enjoy KIDS-PARTY.COM If you have any suggestions for Kids-parties
please send them direct to me, for everyone to benefit and if you have
a website that is suitable send
me the details
to a successful Kids-Party