Party Venues - North Wales
We can provide a range of services for your party or special
event, so there is something to suit everyone. Choose from Face
Painting, Temporary Tattoos, Glitter Tattoos and Funky Hair.
We can put together a package to suit your requirements
Tel 01352 754767
06082007 |
Ladybugs Picnic
The unique place on the Wirral for parties, learning and fun.
4 Bebington Road Tranmere Birkenhead Wirral Merseyside
CH42 6PU Contact Kerry Menzies Tel 0151
643 0730 18102007 |
& Countryside Services
Nature-related activities, including river dipping & minibeast
hunts Llanfair Talhaiarn Abergele LL22 8TG Contact Martin
Bailey Tel 01745 720733
Cabaret Club
Kidz action area for upto 48 kidz! Towyn Road Towyn Conwy
LL22 9EL
Tel 01745 342453